Twest Design

Hello, I'm Thomas Westerlinck

UI/UX Designer. | Front-end Developer. | Desktop Publisher.

(+32) 497 24 17 74
Bovenbosstraat 82A, 3053 Haasrode

Thomas Westerlinck

UI/UX Designer. Front-end Developer. Desktop Publisher.


UI/UX Design

Social Profiles

Professional Profile

Growing up around computers, it was clear from an early age that I would find myself an education after highschool that would satisfy this interest. After some bumpy roads I found myself at Thomas More college where I studied Interactive Multimedia Design. Here I was able learn how to solve problems in a creative way with my passion for computer science.

During my time at college I not only learned how to design and code a website or application. I also learned how to make it a user friendly environment that would be easy to understand for the user. This is probably why my interest for UI/UX design started to grow.

Cups of coffee


Lines of code



What I can do

My Services.

UI/UX Design

We are the architects of the web. A good multimedia product should be easy to navigate and to understand for the user!


The web is constantly changing and updating. That is why I want to be able to work out my designs using the best technique.


Creativity doesn't just come flowing off the computer screen. You need to explore in order to find new creative solutions.


Creating beautiful content means nothing if you can't be found on the internet.

Responsive design

With so many devices it is important that we create content that fits every device.


The digital world is growing with everyday but there are many forms of print that are just as important!

I'm currently interning at Belgian Spirits Company

My final months of college are almost over as my internship is coming to an end.

Contact me


My education and experience.


Desktop Publishing

To help me understand the adobe package I followed a one year course of Desktop Publishing.

Syntra Haasrode

2010 - 2011

Interactive Multimedia Design

Here I learned how to create different types of multimedia applications aswell as keeping usability and ethic rules in mind.

Thomas More Mechelen

2011 - 2014



During my internship I was responsible for the marketing of the new PJ gin and other products. Developing the bottle, creating a website, ...

Belgian Spirits Company

Okt 2014 - Dec 2014


My best works.

Take a Look
Patient Talk
Take a Look
PJ Gin
Take a Look
Weather App
Take a Look
Take a Look

Contact Me

Contact me in case of a zombie apocalypse